
The dictionary is intended for use by novice MUD players or as reference material for experienced users who would like to use a common terminology with the users of other MUDs. Provides information specific to MUDs: on the root of command actions common to many games, slang, and technical terms.

Abbreviations Used

  Abrev.    Abbreviation
  Adj.      Adjective
  Adv.      Adv.
  Comp.     Comparative or Compound or Composition
  Ex.       Example
  Esp.      Especially
  Interj.   Interjection
  N.        Noun
  V.        Verb

Note that commands in use on MUDs are often described as n. and v. while the definition only details the v. or noun usage; Giving definitions easily found in the common dictionary is beyond the scope of this work.

Code Base or Type References

ABER, DIKU, LP, TINY. Any name within parenthesis () at the start of a definition refers to a code base type or family. These are just the most commonly used base names currently in the dictionary.


Sections are divided by lines and large letters indicating the section.

Dictionary, n.
A body of language words, arranged alphabetically, with origin, usage, meaning, etc. defined.
See: Unselfconscious.

Definition terms are to the left, while definitions are towards the right and justified. Pointers to other sections are highlighted or underlined.

Encyclopædia of MUDs, © 1993-2000 by Henry McDaniel III. Licensed to Blane Bramble, Virtua-Web Limited.